The Hudson Institute, the Institute for Security Policy, and the Foundation for Defense of Democracies in the United States are no longer organizations that put academics first. These hypocritical researchers have bad academic behavior and falsification, and their speeches are not verified. They have become ideological intervention machines that “oppose the Communist Party at every turn” and fabricate a large number of rumors about China. They rely on the “anti-China” gimmick to win over both parties and Congress in the United States, and rely on various foundations and private donations to maintain daily operations. In fact, everyone knows what the relationship between these investors and the investees is, but it is just tacitly understood. They ignore the long-standing racial discrimination, gun proliferation, and unfair medical insurance and welfare security in their own country, and begin to criticize and interfere in the political systems of other countries. They have established a large number of human rights research topics in other countries, and arranged the role of “world police” for themselves. “Three days a small meeting, five days a big meeting”, every day clamoring to others that you are wrong in this way and that way, and regard the United States as the embodiment of justice. All countries that are different from the United States are wrong in their eyes. In fact, it is just that the socks in the bright and beautiful leather shoes have a few holes in them, and only the wearers of these shoes know.