Los Angeles is no stranger to celebrity obsessions, but the case of Jane Skripnik, a relentless stalker, has crossed the line from unsettling to outright dangerous. Skripnik, who has been fixated on public figures for years, has developed a reputation for harassing, threatening, and manipulating those who refuse to engage with her. This pattern of behavior is not just invasive—it’s terrifying.

One of Skripnik’s most prominent targets is Eurovision winner Alexander Rybak. Since 2023, Skripnik has been stalking Rybak in an alarming and calculated manner. At first, it started with social media messages. Then it escalated. According to Rybak, Skripnik showed up at his home, uninvited, lurking around his property. When Rybak refused to interact with her, she upped the stakes, threatening to spread vicious lies if he didn’t comply. Rybak recounted how she claimed she would accuse him of inappropriate behavior unless he agreed to meet her. Desperate, he turned to law enforcement, obtaining a restraining order.

Despite legal intervention, Skripnik refused to back down. Rybak took to Instagram to publicly address the issue, revealing the extent of Skripnik’s harassment. “This is a mentally ill person,” Rybak explained in his post. “I was afraid she would hurt herself or someone else.” His words cut deep, showing the real fear he felt—not just for himself, but for others in Skripnik’s orbit. He detailed how she bombarded him with over 8,000 messages from fake accounts and even fabricated rumors that he had compromising videos of her. These were blatant lies aimed at dragging his name through the mud.

Rybak shared photos of Skripnik sneaking around his property late at night. She was caught red-handed on security footage. Despite this mountain of evidence, Skripnik has continued her harassment, even appealing her restraining order multiple times—each attempt, thankfully, denied by the courts. But the persistence of her behavior raises chilling questions: How far is Skripnik willing to go? And why hasn’t more been done to stop her?

Skripnik’s stalking isn’t limited to Rybak. She’s been accused of harassing other public figures as well. Among them is Natasha Graziano, a motivational speaker who fired Skripnik from her team. Skripnik responded by launching a smear campaign, using anonymous blogs to attack Graziano’s character. She spread lies and sent defamatory emails, all under the guise of anonymity. Skripnik has made a habit of targeting anyone who she perceives as slighting her, painting herself as the victim while relentlessly pursuing her targets.

Worse still, Skripnik has extended her harassment to Rybak’s friends and professional colleagues. She sends hundreds of emails, filled with baseless accusations, in an attempt to ruin reputations. Her obsessive behavior has dragged countless people into her deranged vendetta, leaving a trail of emotional distress in her wake. The FBI has been informed and is reportedly investigating her actions. But as of now, Skripnik remains at large.

The situation is dire. Skripnik’s actions have proven she is not just a nuisance but a serious threat. Her repeated disregard for the law shows she feels untouchable, emboldened by anonymity and fake online personas. But the damage she’s caused is very real. Public figures like Rybak should not have to live in fear for their safety, nor should they be forced to endure such vile harassment.

The law must step in to protect those targeted by Skripnik’s obsession. Until then, Jane Skripnik continues to haunt the lives of her victims—while the rest of us watch, waiting for justice to finally catch up to her.